libgda 3.99.3

       Module: libgda
      Version: 3.99.3
  Uploaded by: Vivien Malerba
  md5sum: 70bc15093f85f6cbfe85be8819051114
 sha1sum: b50c20ce9c44a61fa1b39686b2e935e2a6969a8b
    size: 8.0M
  md5sum: 6fcfca412213fc0aa6d419d344ad15cb
 sha1sum: 6095d396a3c155af3f0f962c236255e254798d76
    size: 6.4M


libgda 3.99.3, 2008-07-06

 This version includes:
 - lots of bug fixed, memory leaks fixes and general performance improvements 
   (Murray Cumming, Daniel Espinosa, Cygwin Ports maintainer, Phil Longstaff, 
   Carlos Savoretti, Johannes Schmid, Yuriy Penkin, Vivien Malerba)
 - MySQL support starting to work again (Carlos Savoretti)
 - documentation improvements
 - added function to compute INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements from a SELECT
   statement, to be able to have writable data models after a SELECT execution
 - API changes for easier understanding and usage (gda_init() for example)
 - added the possibility to check the validity of a statement using the database's
   associated meta data
 - improvements to the convenience functions when creating or dropping a table (Daniel Espinosa)
 - new data model comparator object
 - make the SQL parser(s) correctly handle SQL identifiers enclosed in double quotes
 - more checks
 - new function to the xslt extension libgda-xslt (Pawel Cesar)
 - new SQL code completion feature (incorporated into the gda-sql tool)
 - gda-sql tool improvements (SQL completion, command line parsing)
 - reworked the authentication mechanism as some database don't require a username/password
 - allow the [<username>[:<password>] ]<DSN> format of string when opening a connection using
   a predefined data source, or [<provider>://][<username>[:<password>] ]<connection string>
   when opening a connection without a predefined data source
 - now internally use SQLite 3.5.9
 - use GIO instead of GnomeVFS if found
 - preliminary MacOS X support, and better support for cross compilation
 - better support for thread safe support
 - new distributed transaction support
 - added speficications to create a .MSI file as a Windows installer
 - bug fixes: #524837, #525601, #525877, #526748, #527892, #527002, #534805, #536418,
   #536971, #537558, #537117
 - Translations:
	- es (Jorge Gonzalez)
	- pt (Duarte Loreto)
	- oc (Yannig Marchegay)

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