conduit 0.3.8

       Module: conduit
      Version: 0.3.8
  Uploaded by: John Stowers
  md5sum: a4b2025ea53e3cd8abcf2689a6f842e9
    size: 848K
  md5sum: 712fd933dad617e6ebd47165da3c89ef
    size: 648K


NEW in 0.3.8:
* New icons (mejogid)
* Fixed #515648, [Patch] Added RGBA support for conduit (Jon Bolt, Andrea Cimitan)
* Fixed #516410, Error in GoogleModule loading (John Stowers)
* Fixed #516523, RSS FEED of mp3 doesn't download (John Stowers)
* Fixed #516567, Please fix conduit.desktop file... (Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo)


Help Manual Translations:

NEW in 0.3.7:
* Update to the latest versions of our shipped static libraries
  * flickrapi (fixes many Flickr bugs)
  * pyfacebook
  * python-gdata (and use this for Picasa support)
  * libgmail
* The Eye of gnome plugin now shows status while synchronizing
* Add support for syncing Gmail contacts
* Add a 'developer' submenu to the help menu.
  This is shown if the user is running a development version and contains 
  items which link to the newly improved developer documentation.
  The linked pages are displayed in conduit's built in web browser.
* Make the Conflict preferences per Conduit
* Add descriptive icons to the preferences menu
* Improvements in two-way contact/tomboy/calendar sync over the network
* Use to make the release
* Fixed #508645, sort f-spot tag by name (maxxer)
* Fixed #509021, F-Spot dataproviders glade incompatibility (maxxer)
* Fixed #510091, Make configuration of dps dependant on their position (John Stowers)
* Fixed #510094, Conflict Settings should be per conduit (John Stowers)
* Fixed #510107, Add support for tomboy tags (and notebooks) (John Stowers)
* Fixed #510129, Picasa should use google gdata bindings (Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho)
* Fixed #510471, picasa upload should keep filename (Thomas Van Machelen)
* Fixed #510523, folder dataprovider changes folder (John Stowers)
* Fixed #511017, [GmailModule] Configure dialogue doesn't save data (Julian Rötter)
* Fixed #512379, Python warnings about gtkmozembed declaration (John Stowers)
* Fixed #512540, Mirror/Delete Option for One-Way-Sync (Thomas Van Machelen)
* Fixed #514589, YouTube - Folder synchronization bug (Thomas Van Machelen)
* Fixed #514729, is a mess (John Stowers)
* Fixed #515270, Logger prints entries twice (Thomas Van Machelen)

* Updated ca: Gil Forcada
* Updated sv: John Stowers
* Updated it: Luca Ferretti

Help Manual Translations:
* Updated es: Jorge Gonzalez


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