pygobject 2.15.3

       Module: pygobject
      Version: 2.15.3
  Uploaded by: Johan Dahlin
  md5sum: 32192991fa470b2db2eb4ff02aca02e1
 sha1sum: e539cd4c87b54a6a502bdb90141d83899cfcec6a
    size: 592K
  md5sum: 277e654c45746506455627a506dbb65c
 sha1sum: 2dfe01a7a66dcf2676f3e3674122781d77950cc5
    size: 472K


2.15.3 31-aug-2008
        - Beginning of porting to 3.0. glib & gobject module ported.
        - Wrap g_app_info_* functions (Gian)
        - Wrap gio.FileAttributeInfo (Gian)
        - Wrap g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes (Johan, #545846)
        - Wrap g_file_info_get_modification_time (Johan, #545861)
        - Wrap gio.Volume.mount/eject (Johan)
        - Wrap gio.File.move (Johan)
        - Wrap gio.query_writable_namespaces (Gian, #545920)
        - Separate glib & gobject documentation
        - Wrap GFile.append_to_async (Gian, #545959)
        - Wrap GFile.create_async (Gian, #546020)
        - Change return value from 'gboolean' to 'int' and changed semantics
          to Pythonic (Paul, #544946)
        - Wrap GFile.replace_async and query_info_async (Gian, #546046)
        - GIcon and implementations improvements (Paul, #546135)
        - Improve __repr__ and richcompare for gio classes (Paul)
        - Missing Py_INCREFs for some file async methods (Jonathan Matthew, #546734)
        - File.copy progress_callback does not work (Paul, #546591)
        - add File.replace_contents, replace_contents_async, replace_contents_finish.
          (Jonathan Matthew, #547067)
        - Add GFile.query_default_handler (Gian)
        - fix docstring line length (Jonathan Matthew, #547134)
        - improve runtime type wrapper creation (Paul, #547104)
        - make gio.File more Pythonic (Paul, #546120)
        - No TypeError raised when type is None (Paul, #540376)
        - wrap a few memory stream methods (Paul, #547354)
        - wrap gio.DataInputStream.read_line and ...read_until (Paul, #547484)
        - wrap four important asynchronous methods in gio.Drive and gio.Mount
          (Paul, #547495)
        - looks broken (Paul, #547494)
        - wrap g_content_types_get_registered() (Paul, #547088)
        - cannot create new threads when pygtk is used (Paul, #547633)
        - an unitialized variable in PyGLib (Paul, #549351)
        - Constructor of gtk.TreeView raises TypeError when model is None
          (Paul, #549191)
        - Fix memory problems reported by valgrind due to invalid tp_basicsize in
          PyGPropsDescr_Type. (Gustavo, #549945)

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