gnumeric 1.7.11

       Module: gnumeric
      Version: 1.7.11
  Uploaded by: Jody Goldberg
  md5sum: 8d07bbd5b57f55bbd26e0815d4146f9e
    size: 17M
  md5sum: 75e8c36afa8322c601a14cb5a35a8793
    size: 13M


Gnumeric 1.7.11

	* Save and restore default paper, margins and various
	  other print settings
	* Handle differences in page setup between sheets when
	  printing multiple sheets
	* Fix handling of "print even if only style". [#438743]
	* Implement printing of row and column headers
	* Fix saving of null header/footer items [#449836]
	* Fix TINV for large degree of freedom

	* Fix check for long double support in goffice.
	* Import legend and axis labels fonts from excel
	  in charts. [#437858]
	* Fix performance issues in float_range_function2 and
	  fn-tsa plugin.

	* Fix drawing of large cursor while sheet scrolls. [#444610]
	* Fix drawing of merged cells in RTL. [#442463], [442467]
	* Fix editing in RTL, and for merged cells.
	* Properties to store fine tuned capabilities in protected sheets.
	* Read/Write of protected sheet capabilities for XLS/XLSX.
	* Move the OpenPkg support code into libgsf from our xlsx plugin.
	* Fix placement of validation combo in merged cells.
	* Eval validation functions as arrays.
	* Make Morten's pdf exporter available from gnumeric too.
	* Start to implement limits to selection in protected sheets.
	* Handle array expressions in SYLK importer.
	* ODF import/export for hidden and RTL sheets.
	* Fix redraw of spanning cells when toggling RTL.
	* Work around ODF's lack of a default col/row style.
	* Fix crash in t-test. [#450676].
	* Sylk import support for arrays, and encoding.
	* Sylk export.
	* Configurability for which direction <Enter> moves.
	* Calc property import/export for xlsx.
	* Update validation combo moving between identical styles. [#453525]
	* Patch the problems found by coverity.
	* Fix win32 docs. [#443726]
	* Be more flexible about range relocation for ins/del cells. [#439347]

	* Make ssconvert able to export to pdf.  [#381965]
	* Fix loading of tab text colour.  [#437743]
	* Improve handling of foreign recently-used files.  [#438918]
	* Improve save-on-exit dialog.
	* Fix potentially confusing save-in-wrong-format-on-exit bug.
	* Tentatively fix issue with recent Pango.  [#440514]
	* Provide good mime type for recent documents.
	* Fix localized-format problem in cell format dialog.  [#442657]
	* Fix R1C1 problem.  [#443832]
	* Fix performance problem when selecting large areas.  [#445617]
	* Fix loading/saving of R1C1 attribute.  [#448714]
	* Fix overflow problem when int!=long.  [#458158]

Nils Kanning :
	* Fix the inline documentation for python addins. [#412804]


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