glom 1.1.7

       Module: glom
      Version: 1.1.7
  Uploaded by: Murray Cumming
  md5sum: 7590639a3faba52ca235747eeee2477a
    size: 1.5M
  md5sum: 02ee468a268f617a10380d4ae44f4182
    size: 1.1M


* Button scripts: After the script has run, check that the current record 
  still exists, and act appropriately.
* Related records portal: Correct the loading of the specific navigation 
  details from the document, so it is not lost.
* Field editing: Fix modality problem with the field details window that 
  stopped it from being used.
* Register Glom as capable of handling its own MIME type. (Denis Leroy)
* Make the Help system work, though some more text is still needed.
  Bug #349357
  (Johannes Schmid, Don Scorgie) 

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