glom 1.1.5

       Module: glom
      Version: 1.1.5
  Uploaded by: Murray Cumming
  md5sum: 991ce019ae728f501df87ca3b4984b0c
    size: 1.5M
  md5sum: 32447d112d9be1bbc48e4f66a6709b94
    size: 1.1M



* List view: When remembering column widths, allow the columns to be 
  resized smaller again. Bug #358089 from Peter Williams.
* Related Records:
  - Avoid a SQL error when showing a doubly-related field without showing 
  the key field that is used in the relationship. 
  - Allow the developer to specify to what table the user will be taken 
  when clicking on the row button, or just use the automatic choice.
* Button scripts: Update the view after the script has run, in case it 
  changed any data.

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