Re: fplan-list Digest, Vol 6, Issue 3

Kevin Horton(khorton01 rogers com)@2005-06-15 07:10:
> For xfplan, I would like to finish off my package for OS X.  But, I  
> either need to get access to a tarball with the databases (not an  
> rpm, as OS X doesn't have rpm tools by default), or I need to figure  
> out how to modify the makefile so it will build without having the  
> databases present.  The best solution, I think, is to have a tarball  
> with the databases on sourceforge.  Is that possible?

Hmmm ... packaging fplan/xfplan for debian is on my ever growing todo
list so I have the same issue.  Since fplan isnt of much use without
the datebase I was hoping to just put it inside the package.

The only issue there is the license.  Do you know if there are any
license issues with the flplan datebase or is it in the public domain?

With good reason debian is very careful about only including properly
licensed content.


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