Re: Re[2]: Database design goals...

> KISS is a good idea, but a user already has to download the NASD files,
> run avdbtools, etc. etc.

No, the user could also download the post-processed .nav files from
the fplan web site.

> I would love to make the application capable of downloading its own up to
> date files.

That would be a real plus, but these are not easy to find.  The source
seems to change every year or so.  In fact, the fact that I was able
to find NASD files at the same location two years in a row was a first
for me, and I've been working with this program since it was called NAV
and Alan Marcum was the author.

(Actually, I think the only thing nav and fplan have in common is the
database format, and I think even that has changed a little.)

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