Re: fplan updates

On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 10:46:04PM -0400, Steve Kuekes wrote:
> John or Whomever,
> I have downloaded the source for fplan and looked at the TODO file.  Since I'm
> interested in working on the back-end of fplan I'd like to take a stab at the
> include file support.  This should get me familiar with most of the workings of


   Sorry for the delay in sending a reply, but I've been up to my
ears with work and the flying club too. Anyhow, adding support for the
include files would be a good start. I have a pretty good idea as to how
to do it if you get stuck.

> the process.  Then I'll look at the aircraft profile TODO and others.

   Give us a shout when you get close, so we can kick around ideas
as to the best way to do this. I think there is a pretty clear way
to proceed with this, but I caveat that with the fact that I haven't
thought much about fplan design since early June or so.

> I downloaded the tar.gz source files.  Should I make changes to these or is
> there a CVS server that has this code I can use to check out the modules I'm
> changing?
> Let me know how you want me to proceed.

   There is a CVS server, but only Michael can add new names.
He has been pretty busy lately, with the latest RH 6.1 release I
suspect.  I'm sending you a source tarball from my CVS account under
seperate cover to get you going in the meantime.  It shouldn't be a
problem in the sense that I most likely won't be doing anything in
parallel for another few weeks at a minimum, so merges won't be an
issue for now.

Later, JOhn

 ___|___  | John C. Peterson, <> | "Once you have flown,
  -(*)-   | you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there
  o/ \o   | you have been, there you long to return." -- Leonardo da Vinci.

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