Re: [GUADEC 2020] Call for Participation


In light of the disruption caused by the situation with CoVID-19, we are extending the GUADEC Call for Proposals for one more week. The CfP will close on April 7th.

We hope to be able to proceed with the conference as planned, so this is a kindly reminder to continue and submit your talk for our event.

Please check our webpage for our latest information.


On 09/03/20 10:42 AM, Kristi Progri wrote:

The GUADEC Call for Participation is now officially open. This year the conference will be held in Zacatecas, Mexico from the 22nd to the 28th of July, and we encourage each of you to submit a proposal to share your ideas and experience with the GNOME project and the wider open source community.
Being an existing member of the GNOME foundation isn't required to submit a talk; in fact, we actively encourage non-members to submit proposals! If you have something interesting to say about software or technology, we want to hear from you! Likewise, if you’re new to public speaking, this can be a great opportunity to gain experience presenting in front of a group of friendly and helpful individuals.

Subjects that we're particularly interested in include:

1- Application development and deployment
2- Privacy and security
3- Community building and diversity
4- Design of user and developer experiences
5- Use of GNOME technologies outside the desktop
6- Encouraging new contributors
7- Project organization and governance
8- Use of GNOME by users
9- GNOME Open Day

That being said, if there is another subject that you would like to talk about, we would still love to receive your submission. Talks can be either 25 or 50 minutes in length, which includes time for questions.

You can find more information for proposals in:

The BoFs/workshop and hacking days wiki will be updated with more details in the upcoming weeks.

If you have questions for talks, please contact the GUADEC organizing team: guadec gnome org

Best Regards,

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