GNOME-Related Small Event Ideas and Resources

Hi everyone, 

The Engagement team recently updated relevant pages on the gnome wiki to help our community our sparkly new GNOME-Related Events page [1]. Please take a look!

This new page has a list of ideas for small events that the Engagement team would like to encourage the community to organize, as well as links to resources for the events (SWAG, budget, etc). This initiative started in order to help the community organize impacting events for user conversion, GNOME brand awareness, community strengthening, etc. If you have other event ideas, we encourage you to add them.

Small events budget
You may notice that we have a $50 USD budget for small events, just like we have started having for release parties. This is a direct response to community members' requests for funding for things like social events at hackfests. 

If you have any questions about the events budget and/or the wiki page, please send them to the Engagement team (engagement-list gnome org), or to me, since I've been actively involved in this project and am the current budget holder for the Engagement team. I'm sure we'll find ways to improve it, or perhaps questions we haven't considered yet, so please send your feedback!

Also -- a quick plug: if this kind of thing interests you and you'd like to help us find more ways to promote GNOME worldwide, consider joining the Engagement team: :)

Thank you!



Nuritzi Sanchez 
President, Board of Directors

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