Re: Minutes of the Board Meeting of January, 09th, 2015

2015-01-27 0:31 GMT+01:00 Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>:

On 27 Jan 2015, at 00:11, Andrea Veri <av gnome org> wrote:

 * GNOME Privacy project (what to do with the remaining funds): hackfest? internships?

Hmm, "remaining"? Was some of the money spent already? What was it spent on?

The GNOME Privacy project funds were never touched, seems a bad
phrasing was used and the text became misleading. I've updated all the
references for the next meeting minutes to clarify that.



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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