Gnome at DORS/CLUC 2015 in May, Zagreb, Croatia - an invitation

Dear all,

Following a brief conversation at FOSDEM with Gnome booth staff, I would
like to invite Gnome to attend FLOSS conference in Zagreb, Croatia. The
conference will take place from 18th – 20th of May.

We would very much like to have a Gnome booth at the venue, and
potentially a Gnome related keynote. 

In hope there will be interest in this, some more details are below, and
of course I can provide additional info if required. 


DORS/CLUC is the oldest (22nd this year) and biggest conference on free 
software and open source in Croatia and region.
Organization is led by two croatian NGOs: Croatian Linux Users' 
Association HULK ( and Croatian Association for Open 
Systems and Internet HrOpen (

DORS/CLUC has always been a meeting place of hackers, small and medium 
businesses and enterprises that share experiences and possibilities they
create. Last few years we had between 250 – 300 attendees per
conference, e.g.

This year conference will take place at Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb ( There
are over 3000 students and around 500 employees on the Faculty. And that
made us eager to put booths area this year, accessible to everyone;
conference attendees, students and other visitors.

Kind regards,

Svebor Prstačić
President of HrOpen

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