Re: Minutes of the Board Meeting of January, 23th, 2015

Hello board again,
people have poked me stating that perhaps my email can be read harsher than I intended and I kind of agree.

To clarify:
- I don't think that finding an ED is easy (it's precisely because I think it's extremely hard that I think we should putting a lot of efforts there)
- If the board can't handle the task, pleas ask for help, there are plenty of people in the community that hire people in their companies on a regular basis and would be happy to help (myself included, so I'm volunteering, for the record)
- I don't think the board is communicating his struggles on this topic well enough, hence my demand for more information (can't help if we can't figure out what's the problem)

Sorry if by previous email sent the message that I was assuming the task at hand is easy and that the board does not worry at all, I will try to be more careful and constructive in my wording next time.

2015-02-04 17:33 GMT+01:00 Alberto Ruiz <aruiz gnome org>:
Hello Board,

2015-02-02 22:51 GMT+01:00 Andrea Veri <av gnome org>:
 * Responding to a phone press inquiry asking to reach Stormy Peters
  * Comment from Stormy: "There is a press mailing list to deal with press inquiries. And if they are looking for me, they should be able to find me but you are welcome to point them my way."
  * ACTION: maybe Rosanna can check with the caller to see what he wants and see if we need to get back to him by press contact, or if he really wanted to reach Stormy in particular?
 * Sysadmin sponsorship: should we have a guadec-style sponsors' brochure to help with that?
 * WHS
 * OEM Linux distribution including GNOME - any action required wrt Narcis Garcia's email?
 * Review action items in kanban board, for completeness and status
 * ED search

ED search deferred? Again?

Guys, I am sorry to tell, and I hope I don't just speak for myself here, but I can't think of _anything_ more important/urgent than finding a new ED, whatever tasks the board tries to accomplish without the assistance of an ED is just going to take longer, and at the end of the day not having one is going to harm our relationship with our sponsors and it's going to remove our ability to find new ones.

If you are working something out in the background that the members of the foundation are not aware of, please tell, and if you keep deferring it for good reasons, please, state those reasons.

I'd hate to see ourselves in a similar situation than we were when our first ED back in the days left

Alberto Ruiz

Alberto Ruiz

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