New challenge

Hi Foundation members,

I've posted some news on my blog.

Working as the GNOME Foundation Executive Director has been an incredible experience for me and GNOME has made some impressive progress in my time at the Foundation. I'm proud of where the GNOME community is and think it's time for me to hand the reins over to someone new.
Today I am announcing my new position as the Software Freedom 
Conservancy Executive Director. As many of you know, I have been 
volunteering with Conservancy for some time, having co-founded it when I 
was at SFLC.  It is an important organization where I think I can make a 
difference, and GNOME is in good hands. The current board of directors 
continues to impress me with their commitment and varied skillset and I 
know they will continue to lead the organization well.
There's a more detailed discussion of this change on my blog at but of course, I have no intention of leaving GNOME.  I plan 
to announce my candidacy for the board when the call comes out, I'll 
stay on as pro bono counsel, and of course I'll continue volunteering in 
other ways. The Conservancy has also agreed to partner with GNOME, so 
that I can help to run the Outreach Program for Women with Marina.
I'm excited for my new role and am glad I can continue to work with you 
in so many ways.

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