Can a foundation member have access to the sponsorship history?


Since I became a Foundation member (1.5 years ago) I've been interested to understand how does work the process to sponsor someone for an event. I've looked for some info and found almost nothing about the criterias used to sponsor someone (apart from: Foundation Member: yes/no. GSoC/OPW student: yes/no. Speaker/Keynoter: yes/no).

So, I'd like to have it clear since now, I do *not* have any specific complaints about the Travel Committee and I do *not* have any specific problem about being or not sponsored by GNOME Foundation for an event.

So, why would I like to have access to these info?
Basically because someone could be interested in.

Why would someone be interested in?
1) Learn how the process work
2) Learn how the decisions are taken
3) Check if the values spent are okay

Although I'm not the one who would like to dig into these data, I'd feel really more comfortable knowing that I can do this, if I'd like to.
Does it make sense? Am I asking too much?

Please, as I told before, I'm kind-of new here. So, If this discussion already happened in the past, please, point me some links and I'll be happy reading them and trying to understand why this process is not transparent for all the Foundation members. (Seriously, I'm not trying to put my finger in anyone's face about how the money is or should be spend. Just would love to understand how the process works)

With my thoughts and my doubts, yesterday I approached the Treasurer (who is also member of the Travel Committee) and asked her about those things and I'd like to share my disappointment with the answers.

- "people would read it wrong"
It doesn't make sense to me, since the Foundation has a "motivation" to sponsor someone and it is (or should be) written down somewhere, why would someone read it wrong?

Then I was told that the Foundation already keeps record of these things and when I asked "where?"
- "None of your business :-)" was the answer. For me, this is a really *rude* way to answer someone, with or without the smile in the end of the sentence. 

- "obscurity helps with security" was following the argument and at this point I have to say I'm just disappointed with this mindset coming from inside the Boarder :-(

After that, I was told to raise it with the Foundation, and that's the motivation for my email :-)

Best Regards,
Fabiano Fidêncio

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