One step closer to a sys admin ...

Last April we announced that we wanted to hire a system administrator to help with some of the day-to-day work necessary to keep thousands of GNOME contributors going. I'm really excited to announce that we are really close! The GNOME community raised over $20,000 last year from individual contributors! In addition, several companies like Canonical, Nokia and Google put in matching funds.

In an effort to be more transparent - and to share our excitement - we've created a ruler to track our progress towards our goal of hiring a system administrator. (And future goals.) You will see it at the top of and Planet GNOME.

You learn more about our plans for a system administrator on the job description page[1].

You can spread the word by adding a Friends of GNOME badge to your web page[2].

Thanks, everyone, for all your support!

GNOME rocks!



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