Re: Google Summer of Code 2010 Call for Ideas


At the GNOME Usability Hackfest, it was discussed that there is a
real need to develop some free software to help the GNOME Usability
team better collaborate.  Máirín Duffy discusses this in some detail
in her blog:

Could this project be a part of the Google Summer of Code project?


On 03/ 9/10 03:26 PM, Ruben Vermeersch wrote:
Hiya GNOME lovers!

It's that time of the year again: Google's Summer of Code is
approaching. We are in the midst of preparing it all [1] but we need
your help by submitting great project ideas. Student proposals will
start to roll in on March 29, but we'd like to make sure there are
plenty of projects from them to choose from and have mentors ready to
volunteer their time.

So what should you do? Please visit [2] and enter your project ideas
under the "New Untriaged Ideas" section.  A committee will be formed up
later to triage the ideas prior to the opening of the proposal period.

If you would like to volunteer your time to mentor but don't have a
project idea, surf over and claim one.  Mentoring is an awesome way to
get more involved with the community and introduce someone to it.

If you would like to throw your hat in the ring for the triaging or
selection committees and other GSoC related tasks, pop on over to
#soc-admin, join the soc-mentors-list and let one of the
administrators for the program know you want to be involved in making
GNOME rock.

This year's administrators are Ruben Vermeersch, Christophe Fergeau and
Daniel Siegel (and Sandy Armstrong, for as long as his time doesn't get
stolen by the upcoming kid :-))

    The GNOME Google Summer of Code Administrators


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