Spent the week at the Desktop Summit/GUADEC.
Met with a ton of people. Putting lots of faces to names. (Some
people need new hackergotchis, identi.ca and twitter icons. Me
included.) Managed to see a couple of talks too.
I have to admit I was most interested in the questions and discussions
that the presentations generated. I was very excited that many people
reported interesting KDE/GNOME conversations.
Realized that while this year I don’t have several hundred GNOME people to meet for the first time, I suddenly have several hundred KDE people to meet … I met quite a few at the Nokia party as I was one of the first (if not the first) GNOME person to show up.
Igalia sponsored the GNOME party and didn’t forget our traditions:
ice cream death match and jam session. It was a great time! (The
whiskey thing happened another night. I decided it was wisest not to
attend that party.
The board of advisors meeting went well. We had a round table in the morning followed by a finance update and a call for help with hackfests. (Almost all the sponsors would very much like to see us do more hackfests we just have to figure out how to get the funding.) We also got some great commitments to help with Friends of GNOME, GNOME customer success stories and hackfests. After an excellent lunch in a Persian restaurant that Rosanna, Owen and Blizzard found, we returned for a discussion with the GNOME 3.0 projects. (All those projects involved in GNOME 3.0.)
I had breakfast with some local government and university officials. I sat next to Jose Miguel Santos Espino, the director of the computer science department, and I happened to tell him about the GNOME and KDE folks in Nigeria that couldn’t get visas to come. A couple of days later he contacted me with an excellent proposal. He suggested that we work with their International Cooperations Department to find ways to bring free software to countries in Africa as well as Latin America and Asia. We had a good conversation with Josefa de la Rosa Cantos and we will work with them during their next conference of Spanish and African universities.
I also got a chance to talk to Antonio Jose Saenz Albanes who is working a project to deploy 2 million laptops to students in Andalucia. His main problem is accessibility so I introduced him to the GNOME accessibility team.
The GNOME Mobile BOF started out the same way that so many GNOME Mobile BOFs do trying to define what is GNOME mobile but we actually progressed during this one which was awesome. GNOME Mobile is a place for people using GNOME Mobile technologies to collaborate. However, we’ll build on the GNOME brand, not the GNOME Mobile brand. We also brainstormed quite a few ideas, like inviting the maintainers for key GNOME technologies to join the GNOME Mobile mailing list.
AGM. The AGM went really well even though we competed with many other attractions. All the teams gave an update. We’ll be posting minutes and slides but in the meantime you can check out the GNOME identi.ca feed where the AGM was broadcast live: http://identi.ca/gnome.
The marketing BOF was late Thursday afternoon in a really hot room but people had some great ideas. (We were hot!
We discussed things like marketing campaigns, audiences (existing GNOME
users, not developers), having regional presence on the to-be-formed
press team. and we decided we’d put together 4 case studies (GNOME
success stories) by the end of the month. Anne Ostergaard suggested the
Andalusian school project. Guy Lunardi provided a Novell customer
story. I took notes and we’ be publishing soon.
Survey. If you haven’t already, please take the co-locating survey. We’ll be deciding next week whether we are co-locating again or not next year. One thing I’ve noticed about the respondents so far is that of the people that collaborated with a KDE person, 95+% think the co-located Desktop Summit was a success. Among those that didn’t collaborate with a KDE person, only 35% think the Desktop Summit was a success.
Starting the 20+ hour trip home tomorrow at 4am.