Re: Candidacy: Jeff Waugh

On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 10:43 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:

These are awesome points and promises you are making Jeff. I hope you'll
get elected so that developers like myself are sure that somebody is
working on the exact future that they want GNOME to become.

>  * Continue with GMAE and kickstart a couple of similar projects, focusing
>    commercial interest on community/upstream development, ensuring the GNOME
>    community is a strategic asset for the companies involved, and keeping
>    our successes in the limelight. We need to make sure that the innovative
>    GNOME community continues to be seen as a highly valued part of the Free
>    Software ecosystem, and improve on that status.

Your energy and efforts to steer and start the GMAE initiative are
highly appreciated. Thanks a lot for this. This is going to make a big
difference for the careers of a lot GNOME developers involved.

>  * Build a platform for advertisement of GNOME-related product, solution and
>    service providers, and GNOME-related recruitment.

>  * Fund focused face-to-face meetings, as I discussed with lots of GNOMErs
>    during the Boston Summit. Specifically, I want to start with a UK-based
>    meeting for "collaboration and communications" developers (ensuring we
>    have a fantastic platform and integration for collaboration, presence and
>    communications technologies), and a meeting for GNOME artists to coincide
>    with the Libre Graphics Meeting in May (in Quebecistan).

>  * Hire a business development manager for the GNOME Foundation, to raise
>    funds and manage our organisational relationships. I am particularly keen
>    on this, because a bizdev manager for the GNOME Foundation will be able
>    to better manage the operational side of my crazy ideas. :-)

Philip Van Hoof, software developer
home: me at pvanhoof dot be 
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org

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