Re: Code Of Conduct

I really like this debate, pity I don't have the time to take part in it
properly these days.

I think GNOME would be a less exciting place with a Code of Conduct.
Sometimes (like probably in the Ubuntu momentum) you need to lose some
excitement in order to get some stability but... are we having this

Has someone felt abuse? I'm talking about real cases. Then we need to
have visible channels to report abuse and have the means to act against
it. We have a Foundation (legal identity), a Board, and Advisory Board,
webmasters, sysadmins... I mean, we have all the means to respond to
abuse when it happens. The mentioned bodies don't need a Code of Conduct
to act, they have ways to discuss and agree on actions on each case.

The existence of a Code of Conduct doesn't guarantee the diminishing of
abuse either. Historically, their existence is due either to an
overwhelming situation or a will to difficult the access to an elite.
None of this applies to GNOME. 

The most efficient codes of conducts are those that don't need to be

El dt 30 de 05 del 2006 a les 13:04 +0200, en/na Murray Cumming va

> Here's a simple start:

Isn't this just common sense? I don't see the need to push a long debate
to end up having a list of points based on common sense. 

Common sense (aka "the least common of the senses") makes more sense and
it's more effective when it's not written. Try to put it in words and
you will get power relations, cultural differences, generation gaps,
gender issues...

The concept itself of Code of Conduct shows IMO a mainstream Western
liberal mentality, I'd say with a clear male component as well (Murray,
nothing personal  :)  ). I don't see how the existence of a Code of
Conduct encourages the participation of i.e. Eastern traditional women,
or any other combination of "minority" groups. 

If we want to promote specific sectors or goals, let's promote them. A
Code of Conduct is not useful for that, apart from the rhetoric. An
officially assumed and signed roadmap, list of priorities or social
contract puts an active and tangible compromise to an organization. 

We could invest our time in such active compromises instead of a passive
Code of Conduct we don't really need as for today.

Quim Gil /// |

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