Mellon awards

Hi all,

The GNOME Foundation qualifies for these awards, surely.

Who would like to write a first draft of a (max. 1000 words) nomination?
In my experience, the shorter the better, if you can do it in 200 words,
that would be great. Please reply here with efforts.

We just need to figure out how the GNOME project provides a direct and
demonstrably significant benefit to the arts or the environment.

To be elligible, an organisation:
   1.  Provides a direct and demonstrably significant benefit to one or
more of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s traditional constituencies:
higher education, with a special emphasis on the arts and humanities;
libraries and scholarly communications; performing arts; conservation
and the environment; or museums and art conservation;  and
   2. Meets the Foundation’s strict standards for excellence; and
   3. Includes the development of intellectual property that is freely
available to the academic community under one of the approved open
source licenses.


David Neary
bolsh gimp org

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