Re: Code of conduct (bis)

On Fri, 2006-12-01 at 18:31 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> The main use of a
> code being written down is to ensure that newcomers to the project
> know
> where they stand, what they can expect, and (if they don't respect the
> code) why they're being given out to. 

So let's assume this for a moment, though I don't entirely agree. Then
the logistical problem for me is How do we get that code of conduct
somewhere visible for those newcomers to see? Just having it on the
website (in About GNOME, for instance), would have impact before the
newcomer even knows who those people are.

But the problem is, who gets to say that it can go on the website? If
the website maintainer decides to do it then that's not really

I think this is so uncontroversial that nobody is going to have a
serious problem with a web site maintainer doing it, but I'd generally
rather have our elected representatives deciding it, because that's what
they are for.

But yes, I'll try the endorsement strategy if I have to.
Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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