Re: GNOME strongly supports open standards including OpenDocument Format

"Murray Cumming" <murrayc murrayc com> writes:
> [snip]
> > If the board and the foundation members agree - and I hope we all do -
> > then we could draft a short statement to show on our website at the same
> > place where we have expressed that GNOME Foundation is against software
> > patents.
> >
> > We might even consider a press release explaining our point of view.
> [snip]
> Fine with me, though I don't think anybody will notice.

Such policy statements provide useful quoting material to those who are
lobbying politicians.

However, I haven't seen the GNOME Foundation's statement against software
patents, and I can't find it right now, so maybe future statements should be
easier to find.  (Or if the original email was referring to a now-gone web
banner, I'd say a statement is more useful.)

Ciarán O'Riordan, ___________/       Support FSFE's campaigns against IPRED2 _/ and software patents by joining the Fellowship
___________________________/ and encouraging others to do so

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