Re: Questions

    And code I write will continue to bear an X copyright: I come down on
    Tim O'Reilly's side of freedom, and don't agree with your entire position.

You are welcome to contribute to GNOME and other GNU packages even if
you don't agree with the GNU philosophy.  We have no difficulty using
code that is covered by the X11 license (it is a license, not a kind
of copyright).  For instance, Emacs contains some X11-licensed files,
and a few public-domain files.

If the GNU Project makes major changes or extensions to that code, we
might put the changed version under the GNU GPL.  Since you chose a
license that gives permission for this, I trust you won't be too
shocked if this happens.  But as long as we make only small changes,
we would leave the license unchanged so the tail won't wag the dog.

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