Re: Membership dues [ was: Re: Advisory Board Letter ]

> - $10,000 or $20,000 doesn't seem to jibe with making the 
>   advisory board "open". These aren't huge amounts of 
>   money, but I think it is certainly large enough to act
>   as a discouraging factor to some companies.

Yes. $10,000 or $20,000 isn't quite the same as "petty cash" in some companies.
 I would say maybe $5,000 or $2,500 would be more reasonable for companies will
smaller revenues/profits.  Maybe a sliding scale of membership costs should be
devised so that the smallest and the largest of companies can become members
with a reasonable amount charged to each of them.

Rusty Conover        | 
Systems Programmer   | 406-586-5050 x242
Zoot Enterprises     |

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