[fdn-ann] Audiocast Alert/info

As part of the audiocast package, PRN is distributing over the wire the following alert directing people to the URL where they can listen to the event. We are planning on sending this alert on Friday.
Please let me know if you have any edits/concerns.

Also, here is the URL that you can post on your Web site to direct people to the live broadcast.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks and best regards,

The GNOME Project Invites You to Join Its Press Conference on the Web

        San Jose, Aug. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- In conjunction with the GNOME Project’s press conference at LinuxWorld Conference & Expo, you are invited to listen to the event broadcast live over the Internet on Tuesday, August 15th at 12:00 noon PT (3:00 PM ET).

        What:           GNOME Project’s Press Conference

        When:           August 15, 2000 at 12:00 noon PDT

        Where:          http://www.videonewswire.com/GNOME/081500/

How:    Live over the Internet -- Simply log on to the web at the address above

        Contact:        Cecile Roux/CHEN PR 650-357-8749

        About GNOME and the GNOME Foundation:
The GNOME project has built a completely free and easy-to-use desktop environment, as well as a powerful application framework for software developers on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.   The GNOME Foundation will provide organizational, financial and legal support to the GNOME project, and help determine its vision and roadmap. CollabNet, the leading provider of collaborative software development services based on open source principles, is helping to organize the GNOME Foundation.  Additional information is available at www.gnome.org.

        If you are unable to participate during the live webcast, the call will be archived on the Web site www.gnome.org.

        (Minimum Requirements to listen to broadcast: The RealPlayer software, downloadable free from www.real.com/products/player/index.html, and at least a 14.4Kbps connection to the Internet.  If you experience problems listening to the broadcast, send an email to webmaster@vdat.com.)

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