Re: [fdn-ann] messaging statement

Okay, so long as we're careful, thanks for the consideration. 


Linux Community Evangelist, VA Linux Systems  
President, Silicon Valley Linux Users Group     
Grant Chair, Linux International.                  
Co-editor, Open Sources	                       

On 4 Aug 2000, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

> Chris DiBona <> writes:
> > The only thing I'd be careful about is that you have the staroffice code,
> > gpl'd before you make such an announcement. Being premature about this
> > could be a very bad thing. Sun has said they will release the code by mid
> > october, if they want to release it at linuxworld, then great! But
> > otherwise, why get involved with it?
> > 
> The code will not be released by the announcement, but we are going to
> be careful to announce something vague enough that we can hopefully
> cover our butts in all circumstances - something more like "We plan to
> work to integrate OpenOffice and GNOME Office into a complete office
> suite solution for the GNOME desktop" and _not_ like "OpenOffice is
> now the official GNOME office suite."
> In the unlikely event that Sun backs off, or the code is not suitable
> (which I really doubt), we will not be screwed.
> But I trust that Sun will do the right thing and that their code will
> be fairly high quality.
>  - Maciej

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