Preliminary Results - Proposed amendment to bylaws to allow non-member directors

Foundation Members,

We're happy to announce the preliminary results for the "Proposed amendment to bylaws to allow non-member directors" vote. Results can be found at:

For this particular vote, we had 100 total members voting, 73 of them voted for the "yes" option, 24 for the "no" option and 3 abstained.

The result is: the proposed amendment has been accepted.

We encourage everyone to check the list of all votes and
verify their ballot:

If you'd like to challenge these results, please open a GitLab issue at [1]. You can challenge them until 2022-05-31, 23:59 UTC.  Please note these results should not be considered final until all challenges have been resolved.



Principal Systems Engineer at Red Hat,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

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