Minutes of the board meeting of October 30, 2018

Wiki location: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20181030

= Minutes of the Foundation Board meeting for Tuesday, October 30th 2018, 15:30 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, 6th November 2018, 16:30 UTC

== Attending ==

 * AllanDay
 * CarlosSoriano
 * KatGerasimova
 * FedericoMenaQuintero
 * NeilMcGovern
 * RosannaYuen
 * PhilipChimento
 * RobMcQueen

== Regrets ==

 * NuritziSanchez

== Agenda ==

 * Red Hat acquisition (Philip)
 * Other business

== Minutes ==

 * Red Hat acquisition
   * Announcement of the acquisition of Red Hat by IBM was made over the weekend.
   * Neil doesn't know anything other than what has been reported in the press; looks like this should not have much of an effect on GNOME at this stage. Red Hat may be run as a unit within IBM; what happens in the future is of course unknown.
   * Philip: do you expect trouble retaining Red Hat as an advisory board member?
     * Neil: no, no reason why that should happen.
   * We discussed possible scenarios and came to the conclusion that it's best for the Foundation to wait and see what happens. It's good to have a diversity of companies paying people to work on GNOME, but that was also true before the acquisition.

 * Other business
   * Philip: Can we upload the 2018-2019 forecast that we approved during the hackfest, to the wiki? I'd like it to be in place before sending out last week's minutes.
     * Neil: People were planning to suggest some changes, are we not waiting for that?
     * Kat: My understanding was we were approving this forecast, and making changes later.
     * Rob: Agreed. We should also consistently refer to the budget as a forecast, since that's what we did during the hackfest.
   * Allan: Do people have changes they want to do to the budget?
     * Neil: Some people have spending ideas; to discuss whether that comes from reserves, or from another program.
     * Allan: We should discuss in the mailing list the changes that people want.
 * ACTION (Neil): Upload the forecast to the wiki, as approved during the Cambridge hackfest.
 * ACTION (Neil): Start a thread on board-list asking for everyone's spending ideas so we can flesh them out.
== Actions ==

 * Neil - Upload the forecast to the wiki, as approved during the Cambridge hackfest.
 * Neil - Start a thread on board-list asking for everyone's spending ideas so we can flesh them out.

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