Announcing Board of Directors Elections 2018: revamped timeline

Foundation members,

due to no candidacies being received for the 2018 elections we're
postponing each of the items of the timeline [1] by one week in order
to provide additional time for possible candidates to evaluate and
send in their candidacy. [1] has been updated accordingly. Details on
how to run as a candidate and other related information can be found
at [2].

                          *GNOME Board Elections 2018*
                2018-05-12: List of candidates opens.
                2018-05-31: Last day to announce candidacies, submit
summary statements.
                2018-06-01: Final list of candidates.
                2018-06-02: Instructions mailed to eligible voters,
voting begins.
                2018-06-16: Voting closes.
                2018-06-19: Preliminary results are announced.
                2018-06-26: Last day to challenge preliminary results.





Red Hatter,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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