GNOME events code of conduct: feedback wanted

Dear Foundation Members,

Over the past 14 months, a group of us have, at the direction of the Foundation Board of Directors, been working on a new standard code of conduct for GNOME events. The draft of that code of conduct is now ready, and we'd like to hear your feedback on it.


Behaviour at GNOME events is usually very good. Speaking personally, it is one of the things that got me involved in the project in the first place. However, that doesn't mean that things don't sometimes go wrong. We need to be prepared for when that happens, and we need to try and prevent it from happening as much as possible.

Codes of conduct are also an important part of addressing the real issues of diversity and inclusion which exist not just in the GNOME project, but also in the wider Free Software world.

Finally, a code of conduct can be an effective mechanism for creating a better environment for everyone, by setting expectations for newcomers, by encouraging positive behaviour, and by creating a culture that cares about and seeks to improve its conduct.

The GNOME project has had codes of conduct for some conferences in the past, but these have typically changed  from event to event, and many of our events don't have a code of conduct. The code of conduct that is being proposed here aims to address both issues, by ensuring coverage and consistency.

The process so far

The process through which this code of conduct has been drawn up has been long and extensive. There has been a significant amount of research done, during which we have examined 18 different codes of conduct. We've also drawn on recommended guidelines and have been in contact with Sage Sharp, who is a professional consultant on these issues.

The working group includes members of the Foundation Board of Directors, our Executive Director, our Director of Operations, and former GUADEC organisers. We've extensively debated each and every aspect of the code, sometimes line-by-line, and have worked to produce something that tries to meet the specific needs of the GNOME project.

More information about the working group and the drafting process can be found on the wiki.

The code of conduct

The draft code of conduct is not a single document, but rather a framework which consists of multiple elements.

You are invited to read these documents and write to us at coc-working-group-list gnome org with any feedback that you might have on them. This can include things that you think ought to be changed, examples or cases which you don't think are adequately covered, or general responses.

The Code of Conduct Working Group will review any feedback after 1st January 2018. While you'll be able to send feedback after this date, we might not be able to include it in the review, so please try and contact us before then.

What happens next

Once we have collected feedback on the draft, we will review it to see if any changes need to be made. Once that has happened, we will pass the final draft on to the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors. They will have the final decision whether to adopt the Code of Conduct.


Allan Day
Chair, Code of Conduct Working Group

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