GUADEC 2017 Manchester bid


I'm happy to present our bid to put on the 2017 edition of GUADEC in
Manchester, UK. You can download it as a PDF from here:

We have met some really helpful while putting together this bid, both
at the Manchester Metropolitan University, which is our proposed
venue, and at the Marketing Manchester conference bureau, who have
helped make the bid document. Thanks to both.

That said, we will need more help to make the conference happen!
Manchester has several free software groups and has a huge number of
software & technology enthusiasts so I'm confident we can put together
a larger local team, but please don't hesitate to get in touch now if
you are UK-based and would be willing to help with the organisation of
the conference!

One aspect which we would need to sort out early on is how to handle
funds for the event (i.e. whose bank account to use). We would save a
lot of money in tax if the money was handled by a charity, but we
don't know of any suitable free-software related UK charities to
approach about this. Any pointers would be welcome. We could also set
up a new charity for the conference, but it would be nicer to spend

Please get in touch with comments, questions etc.


PS. I've not put this bid on the wiki because I don't seem to have
permission to edit the <> page

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