Meeting Minutes Published - November 6, 2010
- From: Brian Cameron <brian cameron oracle com>
- To: foundation-list <foundation-list gnome org>, foundation-announce gnome org
- Subject: Meeting Minutes Published - November 6, 2010
- Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 17:29:43 -0600
The meeting minutes for the November 6th GNOME Foundation board
meeting is now published. Refer here:
Other past board meetings are archived here:
-- text of the latest minutes follows --
Minutes for Meeting of November 6th, 2010 @ BostonSummit
Next Meeting
* November 11th, 2010
* Andreas Nilsson
* Bastien Nocera
* Brian Cameron
* Emily Chen
* Germán Póo-Caamaño
* Og Maciel
* Paul Cutler
* Stormy Peters
* Rosanna Yuen
Recurring Items
* Review past action items.
* Did each person with action items send their status reports to
the board list before the meeting?
* Approve and make sure that minutes of last meeting were published
to foundation-announce and foundation-list.
* Make sure to start up the gobby server for better note taking.
* Update website.
New Items
* Annual Report
o Paul announced that the Annual Report is done.
o The board agreed to discuss on the mailing list how to
handle printing and mailing out copies.
* Sponsorship
o Discussion about providing more options for companies and
organizations to contribute to GNOME.
o Similar to Diego's proposal last June:
o Should The GNOME Foundation also offer some benefits for a
fee smaller than the normal Advisory Board fee.
+ Perhaps for $5,000 an organization could have a
quarterly phone call with the Executive Director and
get a link/logo on the GNOME website.
* MeeGo GTK+ Work
o Bastien set a deadline for the end of November for
accepting bids.
* Executive Director Hiring Process
o The board agreed to announce starting an Executive Director
hiring process.
o Stormy and the board has written draft of the Executive
Director job description.
o Discussion about whether we should hire other staff (event
manager, fund raiser, marketing for GNOME 3) in addition to
or instead of an Executive Director. Perhaps hiring someone
to work on marketing for GNOME 3 would make a lot of sense
with the release date approaching.
o ACTION for all board members: Review the Executive
Director job description.
o Process:
+ Announce on Foundation list, Foundation blog, Planet
GNOME, LinkedIn, etc.
+ Screened candidates then are referred to the Board
+ Board will do final panel interview and give any
offer to a suitable candidate.
+ Establish a hiring committee to screen and interview
candidates to get it down to 2-3 candidates.
+ Who should be on the hiring committee:
# At least one board member: Germán or Brian
# Stormy Peters
# 2-3 people from the wider GNOME community.
Suggestions included:
* Bradley Kuhn
* Chris Blizzard
* Jonathan Blandford
* Collabora (perhaps Robert McQueen)
* Litl (Lucas Rocha, Havoc Pennington)
+ Handling applicants
# Resumes and discussion should not happen on the
board-list, especially if any people who are on
the board decide to apply.
# Resumes from applicants should be sent to an
Executive Director only mailing list.
# ACTION: Paul will create the Executive Director
hiring mailing list.
+ Revisit marketing in 30 days
* Goals for the Summit
o Hack on board action items and topics!
o Talk to Ted regarding downstream / upstream collaboration.
o Federico - GTK / MeeGo bids.
* Advisory Board planning
o Prepared the agenda. This will include:
+ Boston Summit Status.
+ Hiring an Executive Director.
+ Budget for Fiscal Year 2011.
* Stormy's Bonus
o The board settled on an amount for the bonus.
o ACTION: Brian to write-up the feedback from Stormy's review
and to provide it to Stormy.
* For Libre Graphics reimbursements, The GNOME Foundation is
waiting for receipts.
Completed Actions
* Andreas - Will get feedback for the Annual Report for Daniel
* Andreas - To reach out to Ekaterina (Kat) Gerasimova to see if
she wants to be the GNOME representative for the 2011 Desktop
Summit and, if so, to invite her to the Desktop Summit meeting.
* Andreas - Follow up with Vincent Untz about creating a Philosophy
page on the GNOME Wiki.
* Andreas - Will find out if the GTK+ and WebKitGTK+ Hackfests need
help fund raising.
* Andreas - Is at the Ubuntu Developer Summit and is talking to
people about the situation with Unity and will write up a report
to the board list.
* Bastien - Will create private Wiki page to sort ideas about how
to better organize events like GUADEC.
o Available at
* Bastien - Emailing with Nokia and GTK+/XI2 maintainers to further
detail out the proposal of how to spend the money provided by
Nokia. Major issues include the bug discussed on d-d-l and touch
framework. Bastien gathering more information currently.
* Bastien - To talk to sysadmins about the GNOME IRC meeting,
follow-up on Sept 16th. Done, information passed on to Og who
organized the last 2 IRC meetings.
* Bastien - To update and flesh out what we expect from Nokia bids.
* Bastien - Will send out a deadline date for the MeeGo call for
Bids after getting some feedback from the community
* Bastien - To mail people he is talking to about the Nokia / MeeGo
call for bids about 1) what it would cost to do the work 2)
whether they are interested in the project
* Bastien - To write up a call for bids for Nokia proposal, and
discuss the technology with people from Nokia. Done, call for
bids was sent out, waiting on bids.
* Brian - To contact FreeWear about moving forward with their
marketing agreement.
* All Board Members - To review and finalize Stormy's year-end
review feedback and bonus for 2010.
* All Board Members - Will help to put together a draft agenda for
the Boston Summit. This involves emailing those who will be
participating and collecting information about what things will
be worked on.
* All Board Members - To put together a draft agenda for the
Foundation IRC Meeting by Saturday, October 16th.
Status of action items
* Andreas - Will finish the Friends of GNOME revamp and find
someone with proper javascript skills to help.
* Andreas - Will follow up with Andrew Savory from LiMo to see if
relevant information from their GTK+ study can be made more
public. (will ping again)
* Andreas - To take the GUADEC feedback and post it to a public
wiki page. (someone else did this I think?)
* Andreas - To ask Kat if she can reach out to the
gnome-de gnome org mailing list about finding local German
volunteers to help with the Desktop Summit 2011. (will ping again)
* Bastien - Will try to find people who can consolidate the
feedback about the Texas Instruments Zoom2 device to provide back
to Texas Instruments.
* Bastien - Will take over the internal review process task from
Diego Urrelo (hopefully he can automate it).
* Bastien - To find a way to automate the process of exporting
results from internal review process and email it to the board.
* Bastien - To discuss the use of badges (a-la Creative Commons, page colors, or PSN badges).
* Bastien - To talk to Olav Vitters about using bugzilla to track
Friends of GNOME post card sending.
* Bastien - To get _a_ WebOS/Palm contact from Lennart Poettering.
* Bastien - To contact the BBC to discuss about possible
collaboration in working directly with GNOME.
* Bastien - Will reach out to Dave Richards from the City of Largo
to plan for a hackfest there.
* Bastien - Setup committee to look at GTK+?/MeeGo integration bids.
* Brian - Get information about what should be in an "Employee
Handbook". Draft approved by board. Now under review by the GNOME
legal team.
* Brian - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James
Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
* Brian - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to
use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent Untz. Look at
the archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use
the GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with
them. Taken over from Jorge.
* Germán - Will share the financial data that was provided to the
advisory board to foundation-list.
* Germán - Will follow up with Shaun McCance about how the board
can help with his proposal for funding developer documentation.
* Germán - Will help Paul put together the Financial Report for the
Annual Report.
* Germán - To discuss with GNOME Hispano about them handling GNOME
Foundation money in Euros (€).
* Germán - To track if the new method of boletos generates more or
less money from Brazil.
* Germán - To have a draft Fiscal Year Budget in October for the
board to review.
* Og - Update the blog and planet to highlight that people are
expected to sign and follow the GNOME Code of Conduct.
o As per Paul's recommendation, I have emailed Vincent to ask
him what his idea is for doing this.
o Still haven't heard back from vuntz
* Paul - Will send an email to the foundation-list and the gnucash
list seeking someone to take over the GnuCash automation. Taken
over from Behdad Esfahbod.
* Paul - Will lead putting together the GNOME Annual Report.
* Paul - Will work on 2010 Annual Report
o Paul - To fix the annual report: remove all TM in the GNOME
logos, s/GNOME Asia/GNOME.Asia/g, use right font for GNOME
o Paul - To start work on next 2011 Annual Report ASAP (due
start FY2012)
o Paul - To work with Jonathan Blandford for the pants
article in the annual report.
o Paul - Will follow up with Germán about the financial data
for the Annual Report.
o Paul - Diego had an action item to send an updated "Día
GNOME" article for the Annual Report. Since Paul is
finishing up the Annual Report, Paul can close this action
when this is finished.
* Paul - Will work with Gil Forcada from and gnome-
marketing to define the best way for organizations like
to participate in the GNOME community. Not many replies from the
community. Diego Urrelo will draft something more concrete for
gnome-marketing to determine the best name and process for
managing this. There was a discussion on the mailing list and a
few good ideas, Diego will wrap them up and send them again for
further comments.
* Paul - To make sure Board members have access to the Foundation
blog. (Update as of August - all members who do not have blogs on have access - working with the sysadmins to fix a
* Paul - Will follow-up with Board to read the Advisory Board fees
for small businesses proposal, ask for feedback and set a date to
vote by.
* Paul - To finish the Privacy Policy, get review from James
Vasile, etc.
* Paul - To follow up with Christer Edwards on using Bugzilla and
CiviCRM to track Friends of GNOME Postcards. (Scheduled meeting
with Christer on 10/14/10 to discuss Sysadmin projects)
* Paul/Germán - Automate the process of entering PayPal information
into GnuCash. Taken over from Behdad Esfahbod.
* Rosanna - Research the GNOME Guidestar website and update if
necessary. Rosanna sent an update about the status of Guidestar,
but work is still needed. Need to find someone to keep the
website up-to-date.
* Rosanna - Will apply for the GNOME credit card. Status: Filled
out initial application, have appointment next Wednesday with the
bank to continue process.
* Rosanna - Will handle the purchase orders with Google for
GIMP/GStreamer GSoC mentor payments as she has been doing it
already for GNOME.
* Stormy - To schedule a meeting with companies that do consulting
work with GNOME to start discussions on how we can help (how can
we work together). Sent email. Got a couple of positive
responses. (Handing over to someone else.)
* Stormy - Taking over for Og. Will assist with the GNOME 3 as a
Foundation goal task and to help in getting the GNOME 3 as a
Foundation Goal survey topics together. (Handing over to someone
New Action Items
* Brian - To write-up the feedback from Stormy's review and to
provide it to Stormy.
* Paul - Will create the Executive Director hiring mailing list.
* All Board Members - Review the Executive Director job
Discussed on the mailing list
* Events
o BostonSummit (November 6-8)
+ Making final arrangements for holding the
+ Planning for having a board meeting at the
BostonSummit on Saturday, November 6th.
+ The GNOME Foundation confirmed that we do not have to
pay for any of the rooms at the BostonSummit. The
GNOME Foundation will only have to pay for custodial
fees, which will be billed later. So the costs should
be much less than had been previously discussed.
o Ongoing planning for the Desktop Summit 2011.
o Making final arrangements to cover the GTK+ hackfest travel
o Andreas provided a write-up of his experience at the Ubuntu
Developer Summit.
o The board agreed to handle fees for the GNOME/openSUSE team
for Latinoware for a 5% handling fee.
* Programs
o The GNOME Project has received two grants for a total of
$15,000 from Mozilla and from the Diferenças
partnership for accessibility work. Refer to the following
press release:
o Google increased their GNOME Womens Outreach sponsorship
from $10,000 to $18,000 so we could accommodate two more
excellent candidates.
o Discussion to prepare bids for the Mobile MeeGo / GTK work.
o Michael Schumacher requested LMB Reimbursement for GIMP and
Germán is working with Michael to process these.
* Advisory Board
o Planning for the Advisory Board meeting on Tuesday,
November 9th.
o Advisory Board member responsibilities were updated by
Stormy and reviewed by the board.
* Executive Director
o Stormy wrote a draft announcement of her leaving The GNOME
Foundation and there was review and discussion of the
announcement on the board list before the news was made
public on Tuesday, November 2nd.
o Discussion about transferring Stormy's tasks to board
* Justin Colannino from the Software Freedom Law Center sent the
board an email with the form to register the GNOME trademark to
review before submission.
* Germán prepared a proposed budget for Financial Year 2011 and
shared it with the board to review. This is being prepared to
share with the Advisory Board meeting next Tuesday, November 9th.
* Paul Cutler shared the Annual Report with the board for a final
* Stormy updated the Hackfest planning page to answer questions
about what hackfest organizers need to do and to make it more
clear how individual travelers need to fill out the subsidy form,
and how/when they should expect a response.
* The board received copies of its latest insurance policy
renewals. These documents were shared with the board for review.
* Paul Cutler proposed running a GNOME T-Shirt Art Contest.
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