Minutes for Directors Meeting of May 5th, 2007

= Minutes/Agenda for GNOME Foundation Directors Meeting of May 7th, 2008 =

== Attendance ==

 * Lucas
 * Brian
 * J5
 * Vincent

=== Regrets ===

 * Behdad
 * Luis
 * Jeff

== Old Items ==

 * '''insurance''': Brian wants to discuss gnome.asia inclusion and
what to cut out.
   ACTION: Luis to do a final check on the form contents.
   ACTION: Zana to fill in the forms and J5 to sign them.
   STATUS: John never got the forms from Brian (mail client problems),
done by friday

 * '''foundation.gnome.org''': ACTION: Jeff to wiki-fy
foundation.gnome.org, with privacy on by default. STATUS: Jeff says it
may happen this weekend.

 * '''system administrator''': STATUS: Vincent to work with on getting
funds for this ($25k needed, according to the current plan).

 STATUS: Vincent asks if we want to do both exec director and sysadmin
at the same time. Will check fo rfunfs. andfeasibility.

 * '''Business developer:''' We have a
draft job description]] (see also
FoundationBoardPrivate/ExecutiveDirector); may need to
refine/redraft/update. ACTION: J5 to look at old announces and update.
STATUS: J5 has a skeleton of job description, on the wiki. ACTION:
everyone to check it out and flesh it out.

 STATUS: ongoing

 * '''Board Time Management:''' Board seems generally pleased with
Tracks; ACTION: Luis to investigate sending out reminder emails for
pending actions. STATUS: Luis has tried, but something is screwy on
the server. Probably will not investigate again until after exams.

=== New items ===

 * Discussion of potential business developer/ED hire.

== Ongoing Items ==

 * '''finances:'''
 STATUS: update soon from zana

 * '''GUADEC:'''
 STATUS: on track. update on mailing list.

 * '''a11y program:'''
     ACTION: Lucas and Vincent to make more noise about it. STATUS:
we've sent a word about the program to all students we couldn't mentor
for GSoC. A11y team has weekly meetings to talk about this. Still
possible to make more noise about it :-)
  STTAUS: we should make more noise.

 * '''merchandise:''' STATUS: ongoing;
    ACTION: Lucas to contact marketing-list.
    ACTION: Behdad to talk to Dave about jewelery agreement.
    ACTION: Lucas to work with Zana about mugs and subscriptions.
 STATUS: on track, going slowly.

 * '''Google Summer of Code 2008''': Many people helping.  Fresh blood
in.  Sandy, Ryan, ... rocking! Things are nicely under control of this
distributed team. Community bonding period starting.
 STTAUS: mentors in contact with students, going fine. lucas to add
students to plant.

 * '''GNOME.Asia''': Agreed to give them $4k.
    ACTION: Brian to send their sponsorship request to adboard.
    ACTION: Brian to contact them re the $4k.

 * '''Linux Foundation''': STATUS: Behdad updated the board on meeting
with Jim Zemlin of TLF; no formal change in our relationship with them
of yet.  ACTION: Board members to discuss this at LF Collaboration

 * '''GUADEC/Akademy''': Let Akademy do their call-for-bid with the
wording they want, GNOME do it with words we want, and a shared press
    ACTION: Behdad to meet with Dave and Jim to work out
LinuxFoundation commitment, if any.
    ACTION: Behdad to work with Dave getting the call and press release out.

 * '''GTK+ Hackfest''': ACTION: Behdad to finish report and send to board.

 * '''Sponsorship bundles''':
    ACTION: Vincent to work on a proposal for the adboard meeting at
GUADEC. STATUS: won't be done in April for time reasons.
 STATUS: no change.

 * '''Adboard meeting at GUADEC'''
   vuntz: sponsorship, gpl v3

 * '''Hackfests'''
   ACTION: vincent to contact local gorups for organizing hackfests
   ACTION: lucas to contact hackers about the topics

 * Accounts team
   ACTION: vincent to ask around who can extend/develop mango to
automate accounts creation

 * Machines from Google
   STATUS: blockin on canonical on invoicing the taxes to GNOME Foundation.

 * Latin america
   ACTION: vincent to contact izabel, diego and claudio about the
Latin America tour.

 * '''Lucas''': ACTION: Announce new affiliation.
 * '''Legal''': STATUS: Luis is working with Wilson Sonsini on a new
trademark policy. Need to update charter to 1.0; no progress on that.

 * '''Cooperation with KDE''': STATUS: Vincent watching if there's
interest for a cross-desktop hackfest. Luis has started discussion
with the KDE eV board for cooperation on legal aspects.

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