GNOME Foundation Meeting Minutes :: 10th October 2007

Hi all,

I'm really sorry for the delay. The draft got lost in my Gmail account
and completely forgot to send it. It won't happen again. :-/



GNOME Foundation Meeting Minutes :: 10th October 2007

Present: Behdad, Lucas, Anne, Vincent, Zana, Glynn (for 10 minutes)
Regrets: Jeff
Absent: Quim

1) Zana's Report

 Things are going well. No further comments from board members. Zana
 reported that we're running out of the mugs that are given to "Benefactor"
 donators. She suggested the creation of a new design for the next stock
 of mugs.

2) Advisory board meeting

 Board needs to schedule an Advisory Board (AB) still in 2007. Need to
 know from AB members what they would be interested to have in the
 agenda and possible dates.

 ACTION: Vincent to send a mail to AB asking for suggestions for the
         agenda and possible dates

3) Sponsorship for FOSS India

 Board agreed to sponsor the FOSS India conference with $4000,00.

 ACTION: Zana to contact Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay to make sure the
         money is transfered on time

4) Hiring a Sysadmin

 Vincent didn't have time to push this forward. Anne thinks it would be
 really good to have this hired Sysadmin to take care of things that has
 been bringing complaints from community members.

 ACTION: Vincent to follow up discussion with GNOME sysadmins and
         possibly with Advisory Board

5) GNOME Foundation Annual Report 2007

 Lucas didn't have time to push this forward. Anne suggested that
 Glynn's GUADEC presentation about Board activities should be in report.
 Other content suggestions were: summary of sponsors in general
 (a11y summit, java summit, etc). Lucas said he needs someone from
 the board to write a summary of AB happenings in 2007. Glynn
 suggested Lucas to define more concrete tasks so that people could
 just take and get them done.

 ACTION: Lucas to restart the work on the report and assign volunteers
         with more clear tasks

6) Results for Membership Vote Regarding Change to Bylaws

 It seems the results will be positive about the proposed changes in the
 bylaws. Anne said we should do an official announcement about the
 next board period that will last 18 months. Lucas said we should wait
 for the final results to be published to do this announcement.

 ACTION: Anne to send the official announcement, after the vote results
        are published, stating that the next elected board will serve for 18

7) New HDDs for buildbot machine

 The buildbot machine ( had a very small HDD (32GB)
 and needed new ones. The board agreed on buying new HDDs for as requested by Olav Vitters on October 8. Owen
 Taylor and Matthew Galgoci took care of logistics for the purshase
 and installation of the new HDDs.

8) Boston Summit Wrap up

 Behdad gave an overview of the Summit: attendees did nice work. More
 preparation needed. For next year, we need better planning and more clear
 schedule. Big thanks to Google for sponsoring the party which was very nice.
 Wireless didn't work one day. Coffee service was really good. GNOME Java
 Summit actually started after summit but it seems they were quite
 productive. Big thanks to Zana and Owen for the great organization work.

 Anne thinks would be good to start looking for good summit venue long

9) AOB

 Zana to start maternity leave soon.

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