Bitstream Vera Fonts License

Hey there,

I am curious as to the provisions limiting the sale of the Font Software
as defined in the license, which states that it may only be sold within
a large software package and not alone.

The FAQ states:
Bitstream is giving away these fonts, but wishes to ensure its
competitors can't just drop the fonts _as is_ into a font sale system
and sell them as is.

The "as is" part of the above leads me to believe that if the font is
modified and renamed, that it may be sold as Font Software.

My question, based on the above two statements, is whether or not a
modified version of the Font Software under a different name than
"Bitstream Vera" may be sold without being incorporated into a larger
software package.


Brendan Molloy

M: +61 449 617 246
T: @piecritic
E: brendan bbqsrc net

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