Re: Missing glyph in Vera

On Sun, Aug 24, 2003 at 10:30:11PM +0200, Jordi Mallach wrote:
> The offending character is "?", used in common desktop words like
> "Cancel" "Cancel?la". It's UTF U+013f/U+0140, according to Keith.
> Providing the mdidle-dot alone would be ok too.
> What are the chances of seeing this glyph supported in newer versions of
> Bitstream Vera? Am I directing this wishlist bug report to the correct
> place, anyway? :)
> FWIW, Welsh folks are also seeing the ugly font as they are missing a
> pair of glyphs for their language too (W with grave, acute and diaersis).
> Daf should be able to provide more info, I guess. :)

No, iAt's the circumflex we're missing from W and Y. At least, I think
it's called a circumflex. That would be four glyphs: Ŵ ŵ Ŷ ŷ. The
strange thing is that we've only noticed this very recently. Fontconfig
doesn't fall back if the user has chosen Vera specifically.

We've had problems with capital O with circumflex in other fonts (i.e.
it not being there), but this doesn't seem to be a problem with Vera.

This would be really very very nice to get fixed for 2.4. I find GNOME
virtually unusable in the font which Fontconfig fell back to in my case,
and novice users who are using the Welsh locale will likely not know how
to change the font if they know it can be changed at all. Which I
suppose could be taken as a serious usability issue.

Thank you for dealing with this issue so quickly.


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