Re: How dead is f-spot

I'll see about maybe just including the debian/ directory right in the f-spot code base.

Currently I have absolutely no plans to change the database for the time being. In theory, most of the changes to the code base have been either cleanup, updating the c# being used (ie, generic collections), bug fixes, and crash fixes. So, the long and short is that it should look and work the same as the current version, but more stable. At least that was the goal.


On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Alberto Mardegan <mardy users sourceforge net> wrote:
On 04/02/2016 19:31, Stephen Shaw wrote:
> features. If you want to try f-spot again and want to file any issues on
> <> we can try and
> fix them. We also hang out on
> <>

If you could also share the debian/ directory somewhere (I've seen from
the chat logs that some dev has it somewhere), that would be much
appreciated, so that I can try the same exact package as Ubuntu will ship.

Also, it would be very nice if you don't make any database changes since
the last release, so that one can go back to the old version in case
something turns out to be very wrong (though I wonder, whether the old
version works in newer Ubuntu releases -- I'm currently using it on 14.04).


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