Version handling?


is it possible to delete just one "version" of a photo?  i.e., if
there are 3 entries in photo_versions for the same photo_id, say (or 2
entries in photo_versions and one in photos for older versions of
F-Spot), can I delete the middle version?  Or the original?  What
would that do to the database?  Do I need to renumber all higher
versions (or, in the case the original was deleted, move one from
photo_versions to photos?)?

The problem here is that the information contained in photo_versions
should really be contained in photos _only_, and photo_versions should
really only contain a mapping telling you which photo_id is parent of
what photo_id.  But, alas, that's not how this db was designed.

  .xxxx.       FACE-Tools                                      |||||
 |(o)(o)|              {. @ @ .}
(  (__)  )                                                    |  o  |
  | __ |       Face detection and recognition for              \_U_/
   \__/        photo-managers like F-Spot or Digikam

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