Coding Task: Date Edit


this mail is for the guys out there who want to hack on f-spot but don't
know how to start. Therfore, I propose a coding task here which should
help people to step into development. Probably, there will come some
other tasks later.

And here comes the first task which (I think) is wanted by a lot of
users. I started hacking on a metadata editor to edit basic metadata
fields of photos. Editing the time of a photo is currently not possible,
because the Gnome.DateEdit widget (which is also used in the current
date edit dialog of f-spot) is buggy. Stephane started implementing a
new widget (FSpot.Widgets.DateEdit) some time ago. This widget should be
tested and integrated to the new metadata editor that editing time of a
photo is possible.

The branch with the metadata editor can be found in the git repository:

If anyone wants to do this task or needs more information, please let me
know. I attached a little screenshot of the current state of the
metadata editor.


Attachment: metadataeditor.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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