I've used a rather crude, quick and dirty script to sort this. The
process won't win any prizes in a beauty contest but it's done the
job. First step is to get a list of filenames known to f-spot. I did this by doing a Select-All then Copy. (Ctrl-A ; Ctrl-C). Next I opened a GVIM window. I'm not sure whether the editor is important but I couldn't get this to work in straight vi. e.g: gvim fspotflist Go into Insert mode, then press the middle mouse button. (I found using the menu route of Edit / Paste didn't do anything). Save and Exit. This leaves you with a file containing all the filenames on one line. My database has 30,000 jpegs and it worked ok. Next a used a bit of shell script to get all the filenames onto one line and then check each file in my photo directory against f-spot's list. The code fragment I used is below. It gave me a list of about 2000 files that I need to investigate. I'm moving them somewhere else and intend to check through them and re-import them accordingly. A couple of surprises was the number of jpegs hiding in .thumbs directories. Not sure whether it's geeqie or gthumb that leaves this detrius around. Dougie #!/bin/bash
On 17/09/2010 22:46, Dougie Nisbet wrote: I've just had an accident with f-spot ( https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=629963 ) and got round it by removing about 1000 images from the catalogue. I suspect that I now have a lot of images on disk that don't exist in the catalogue. The details are unimportant suffice to say I'd be very interested in tidying up my /jpegs tree and removing any files that are not known to f-spot. |