Re: f-spot crashing

On 18/06/2010 16:55, Antti Ahonen wrote:

I have been considering starting a new one anyway since I started using exifrename on 2009 and it would be nice to rename all by photos in the same way and build a new database with updated names.

I've not heard of exifrename but I think you can also do this in gthumb using a bulk rename. Substitute %d where you wish the date and time where you want it in the filename. For a while I was using gthumb as a pre-processor before importing to f-spot as it allowed me to easily assign meaningful file names in bulk. I did get irritated by its lack of a real-delete feature (it Moves to Trash) and I moved to a different method of renaming my files. It's scruffy, but I import everything into f-spot, tag it all, the export it back out of f-spot, and then delete it from f-spot (drive and catalog). I then use a script to process the files using exiftool and exiv2 and rename the files based on their timestamp and the tags I've allocated with f-spot. I then import them back into f-spot. It's a mess, but it works!


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