Tagging all photos matching a certain filename


I've got a load of photos with distinct filenames like myphoto001.jpg to myphoto999.jpg. These photos are already in f-spot and I'd like to give all the photos the same tag.

Ideally what I'd like to do is search by filename in the GUI and then add a tag to the search results - but this doesn't seem to be possible.

My second idea was to write a python script and control f-spot through DBUS. It looks easy enough to get the filename of a photo through PhotoRemoteControl.GetPhotoProperties, but I can't see a method that will apply a tag to a photo. Am I missing something.

My third idea was to just add rows directly to the photo_tags table in the database. However, I'd also like the tag to be stored in the photo's metadata. I guess f-spot usually does this when the tag is applied. Is there any way to update the metadata at a later point?

The final idea is to add a tag to the photos metadata with an external script or program and somehow get f-spot to recognise this new tag. Is there anyway to do this?

(And yeah - I know it would have been a lot simpler if I'd just applied the tag when I imported the photos!)

Thanks for your help


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