Re: Command line import tool

Bill Moseley, 2009-02-25 06:20:11 -0800 :

> Is there an "official" way to import photos into f-spot from the
> command line?


> I actually import all my photos on my own machine via a script I
> wrote, but I'd have to install the supporting libraries first to use
> that on this other machine and decided for a (hopefully) one-off I
> could stand the slow vnc connection.

  I did something for that some time ago, but since I haven't used it
in quite a while it may have suffered from bitrot.  It might just
work, but you'll probably need to replace some of the hardcoded paths.

  Attached are two versions: one that downloads pics from a camera,
another that copies them from a local path.  Both make use of a config
file, of which here's an example:

,----[ $HOME/.config/camsync.conf ]
| [default]
| tag_name = "À trier"
| raw_tag_name = "À retoucher"
| default_camera = EOS400D
| [EOS400D]
| camera_name = "Canon EOS 400D (PTP mode)"
| destination_dir = /home/roland/images/photos/canon-eos400d
| max_remaining = 50

  Hope this helps,

Roland Mas

Such compressed poems / With seventeen syllables / Can't have much meaning...
  -- in Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (Douglas Hofstadter)

Attachment: ImportOne.cs
Description: Command-line importer for F-Spot (from files)

Attachment: Camsync2.cs
Description: Command-line importer for F-Spot (from camera)

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