Saved searches

Hello everybody!
As I was showing off some pictures to some friends using F-Spot, I ended up navigating between advanced searches.  For example, I'm using the base tags provided with F-Spot, and I created under each of those tags a hierarchy of tags in order to be able to do some crossed search like "Pictures containing this person, but not that one, at those places, from that date to that other date.  And I didn't even mention the ratings!
What I thought at that moment was it would be cool to have the hability to do some advanced search on the pictures, and to save them for further use.  I can create a tag, but a lot of time those "saved searches" are not to be kept permanent, and tagging lots of pictures for a temp. use is not the best use of the tool, IMHO.  I think that implementing such a feature is a matter of adding a table in the database to hold the saved search parameters (tags / time frame / ratings / what-not) and to create a side-pane to manipulate those saved-searches (deleting, selecting).  As of creating a new saved search, this can be done via the "Search" menu or via a "Save" button in the search ribbon (I'm translating from french, sorry).
What do you guys think?  I'm not a programmer (I've tried to play with mono / .net with no success so far), but with some pointers about the mechanics (how to create/merge a branch, gui programming, etc...), I would be happy to try again, if it is judged useful and if nobody is working on such a tool already.

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