Re: New Geotag extension


i tried your geotag plugin and I would like to participate in development.

Just a few bug reports by here as I don't know where else. I will try to
fix them, too.

- loading GPX files without timestamps (which is without sense for
geotagging, but may happen) crashed entire f-spot.

- only trkpt, no wpt are handled.

- the times in the GPX are interpreted as UTC, this is ok. But after
converting this to local time (which is shown as start and end date) the
time of the photo still has to be in same UTC time to match, not in
local time.

- Although if photos are found (which can be seen in the f-spot photo
window), the list of geotaggable photos in the UI is still empty. Trying
to geotag, whole f-spot crashes.

- Auto-tag photos by their geotag, like "Alexandria, Egypt".

And the other way round, like geotag.jar does

The date issue in f-spot is indeed a problem. This is why I don't let
f-spot to write metadata to my files. I hope this will be fixed some day.


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