Re: Is F-Spot changing the picture's metadata properly?

Try "exiftool", it will give you the tags under the field "Subject". I
don't remember if any option has to be set, but it works for sure :-)

Some months ago the tags used to be saved in the XMP metadata (what
was confusing a lot of people, because these metadata aren't shown by
most picture metadata viewers -in fact basically EXIF viewers-). But
ExifTool was listing them as part of the EXIF metadata, has it really
been moved the place where they are saved? If this is the case, then
"exiv2" and "jhead" should have any difficulties to show them.


On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 07:54, Dougie Nisbet <dougie highmoor co uk> wrote:
> Silvano wrote:
>> The description of the Preferences option "Write metadata to file" says
>> "Enable this option to store tags and descriptions inside supported file
>> formats".
> I've been unable to extract tags using any other tool (e.g. exiv2, jhead
> etc). I've also noticed the camera maker warning message.
> I have 'write metadata to file' enabled. Can anyone tell me a command
> line tool to use that would allow me to see the tags that I've created
> in f-spot?
> Dougie
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la puerta Tannhäuser. Todos esos momentos se perderán en el tiempo...
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"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire
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the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like
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