Export function


just seeking clarification on the export function.

I'm experimenting with exporting to a folder using original files, and to a stand-alone gallery.

When exporting to a stand-alone gallery I'm assuming that I just open index.html in a browser to access it? Tags appear unordered. Can I sort them?

I tend to export directly to a memory stick. I noticed that unless I wipe the stick first then files are not overwritten but instead a new one is created with a -1 suffix, and consequently I run out of space. I'm not sure if this is f-spot behaviour or something to do with ubuntu. (I sometimes get caught out with having a wastebasket on memory sticks even though I keep thinking I've unchecked all the confirmation on delete options in the file browser).

I think there's a bug exporting with "export tag icons" checked if a tag exists in the export list that is empty - i.e. no photos associated with the tag. I'm not familiar with the bug reporting process but I couldn't see anything that obvious that matched at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/f-spot. Would be happy to attempt reproducing with bug report if it helps.



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