Flickr upload - setting flags

Flickr expects his users to set correct flags on the uploaded photos.

- whether this is "Safe", "Moderate" or "Restricted" (flagging sexual
  content and such)


- whether this is "Photo", "Screenshot" or "Art/Illustration"

Images uploaded from f-spot are flagged as "Safe" and "Photo"
by default, what is sometimes troublesome (for example when
I upload a bunch of screenshots).

Would it be possible to handle those flags somehow? Currently
it is only possible to set whether the photo is to be pushed
as private, or as public.

I can imagine two implementations, in fact. One direct (just add flags
pane on the upload screen) and one based on tags (let me use tags like
"Screenshot" or "Flickr: Screenshot" to mark pictures)

| Marcin Kasperski   |    You have the right to accept your
| | responsibilites instead of having them
|                    |         assigned to you. (Beck)

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